When we do business, our planet shouldn’t have to suffer.
We envision a future where innovative technologies drive a global decarbonisation revolution.
These beliefs drive our investment philosophy. We invest globally in early-stage founders, companies, and technologies, with a focus on hard and deep tech.
Investment Areas
The Earth is what we all have in common
Our History
Twynam’s history in decarbonisation is deep.
Attending COP4 in Buenos Aires in 1998 tempered our resolve and commitment to decarbonisation. For over 25 years, Twynam has deployed capital in climate solutions, growing some of the world’s most innovative startups.
We have a vision of a world where our oceans are free of plastics, our food is grown healthily and efficiently, our energy is naturally sourced, our proteins are sustainable and plentiful and our waste is reusable and recyclable.
Twynam Funds Management Pty Ltd ACN 665 482 119 (Twynam Funds Management) is a corporate authorised representative (CAR) (CAR Number 1302016) of Boutique Capital Pty Ltd ACN 621 697 621 (Boutique Capital) AFSL 508011.
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